When the Imagery Rescripting shifts to ADULT-CHILD imagery only (i.e., IRRT Phase 3 only), the PIQ-B is can be helpful in obtaining a quick and ongoing cognitive assessment of the individual’s schematic shift from maladaptive abuse-related beliefs (schemas) to more adaptive abuse-related beliefs and self-schemas in the following areas:
- from self-directed anger, self-hatred, and self-blame to self-acceptance,
- from feeling disconnected from others and “abandoned” to feeling a sense of “connectedness” and attachment, especially within oneself,
- from feeling untrusting and unsafe with oneself to feeling more trusting and safe with oneself,
- from perceived fragmentation of the ADULT and CHILD “parts” of self to a healthier accommodation and integration of the ADULT and CHILD.
The PIQ-B is administered by the clinician immediately following the completion of an ADULT-CHILD (Phase 3 only) imagery session. The clinician introduces the PIQ-B to the client as follows:
I would like to ask you a few questions about the imagery session we just completed. I will be asking you to rate your response to each item on a 0-100 scale. Do you need a few moments to get reoriented?
Once the client indicates a readiness to begin, the clinician reads alouds the items of the PIQ-B beginning with Item A.